Monday, November 7, 2022

Eat that frog- Brian Tracy


Who should read this book?
This book is must read for the people, who want to be more productive, overcome procrastination and need inspiration to achieve goals.
The frog is representation of the most important/hardest/toughest/biggest  task which is necessary to be done. By doing this thing first in the morning you can get a feeling of worst is over. Also our will power is highest in the morning and decreases as the day progresses. On completing a task brain fills satisfaction and increases positivity in us.
The book tells ways to live better than yesterday. Major reason for procrastination is confusion. Clarity should be there to do things effectively.
We need to be specific on the goal. For ex. If goal is better health then it is unclear. For archiving this we need to decide the actions as exercise track the daily weekly monthly progress. Then we can find the improved health after few months.
Achieve goals by a bite at a time. Book provide great help to get rid of laziness
Thus book suggest to do most difficult thing to do first and take one step to do that at a time.
Below steps are suggested in the book to achieve lifetime goals
1 – Set the table
Procrastination, Lack of clarity needs to be removed with below 7 steps
  • Decide what you want.
Find out what I am good at? What do I enjoy the most about my work? What thing I like to do?
  • Note down the goals on paper- Goals are rarely achievable if not noted or written down
  • Make deadline give milestones- Put pressure on yourself. Develop Sense of urgency. Tell yourself to do it now.
  • Make a list- Increase clarity in goals
  • Organise the list and make a plan.
  • Take action- Goals without action are mere a wish
  • Make a resolve to go near to goal: Go closer to goals daily by increasing skills and taking the steps which help to achieve them

2.Plan everyday in advance, time management
Write down goal. Goals not written is just a wish.
Master list- All the master goals will be listed here
Monthly list- This list will be the list of things to be achieved in a month
weekly list- This list will be the list of things to be achieved in a week
daily list- This list will be the list of things to be done to achieve the all above goals
  1. Apply ABCDE technique
Practise ABCDE method- Find the value of the things/ tasks and prefer high value label the list items with ABCDE with their priorities based on the value .
First do the A task do not start B task if A is not done go sequentially. Tasks can be further subdivided as A1, A2, B1, B2,B3 etc
Consider the consequences if task not done. You can outsource the less important tasks or even skip
Short term and long term consequences of a thing sacrificing few things for better long term achievements. Practise creative procrastination
In this way by following the principles in this book on can increase his productivity and achieve his goals

पंछी की उड़ान

 पंछी की उड़ान एक नन्हा तालाब का पंछी सुनता गरूड़ो की कहानियाँ,  उसे बहुत पसंद आती  पहाड़ों की ऊंचाइयाँ। फिर उसने देखा एक ख्वाब और दिल में इ...